Women Standing Up For Each Other
Support also means standing up for each other. If we don’t accept our sisters being demeaned for the way they look, for being “too old,” or for being women, we can change our culture toward one that respects what women have to offer at any age and for our expertise when we have the benefit of years and experience behind us. Let’s remember that every bit of progress we have made in our own lives, as women, toward living out loud, in our power, and in the light, has been made possible not only by our own hard work and perseverance, but on the backs of the pioneering women before us, who literally put their lives on the line for us to be able to do so. It is our responsibility to our foremothers to continue their work, be good role models for the generations of women who will follow us, and to have the backs of our sisters as they share their voices in the world. Having said that, I will add that it’s important for both men and women to support each other, as we all have important gifts to share and we will all benefit from sharing with each other.
All My Love,
M. K.
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash
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